For recent publications see Google Scholar page or Research Gate
[21] Ye L., C. Neale, Sljoka A., Pichugin D., Tsuchimura N., Sunahara R., Prosser S. et al, Bidirectional Regulation of the A2A Adenosine G Protein-Coupled Receptor by Physiological Cations, 1 9:1372, 2018, Nature Communication, 2018. Press Release. PDF
[20] Jeliazkov J.R., Sljoka A., Kuroda D., Tsuchimura N., Katoh N., Tsumoto K., Gray J.J., Repertoire Analysis of Antibody CDR-H3 Loops Suggests Affinity Maturation Does Not Typically Result in Rigidification, Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 413, 2018. PDF
[19] Tsuchimura S. and Sljoka A., Distributed Computation for Protein Structure Analysis, The 10-th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2018 (INCoS-2018), Bratislava, Slovakia, Lecture Notes in Data Engineering and Communication Technologies Series, Springer.
[18] Deng B., Zhu S., Macklin A.M., Xu j., Lento C., Sljoka A., Wilson, D., Suppressing allostery in epitope mapping experiments using millisecond hydrogen / deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, MAbs, 1:10, 2017. PDF
[17] Kim T., Mehrabi P., Sljoka A., Ing C., Bezginov A., Pomes R., Prosser S. and Pai E., The Role of Dimer Asymmetry and Protomer Dynamics in Enzyme Catalysis, Science 355, 262, 2017. Press release. PDF
[16] Sljoka A., Probing Allosteric Communication with Long-range rigidity transmission across protein networks, Allostery: from physical chemistry to drug discovery, Methods in Molecular Biology, invited contribution to Springer Protocols, (submitted 2018).
[15] Cheng S.W., H. Yuya, Katoh N., Sljoka A., Characterizing Minimal Rigidity of Square-Grid Frameworks with Holes. Proceedings of the 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 2017. PDF
[14] Hahn E., Sljoka A. and Muller A., Applications of Constraint Graphs and Assur groups in applications of constraint graphs and Assur groups in Mechanism Analysis and Synthesis, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2017, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017.
[13] Higashikawa Y., Katoh N., Kobayashi Y. and Sljoka A., Characterizing redundant rigidity and redundant global rigidity of body-hinge graphs,
Information Processing Letters, 116 (2), 175-178, 2016. PDF
[12] Zhu S., Shala A., Bezginov A., Sljoka A., Audette G. and Wilson D., Hyperphosphorylation of Intrinsically Disordered Tau Protein Induces an Amyloidogenic Shift in Its Conformational Ensemble, PLoS ONE, 10(3), 2015. PDF
[11] Nixon A., Schulze B., Sljoka A., Whiteley W., Symmetry Adapted Assur Decompositions, Symmetry, 6(3), 516-550, 2014. PDF
[10] Porta J.M., Ros L, Schulze B., Sljoka A. and Whiteley W., On the Symmetric Molecular Conjectures, in Computational Kinematics, Vol 15 of Mechanisms and Machine Science, pp. 175-184, Springer, 2014. PDF
[9]Schulze B., Sljoka A. and Whiteley W., How does symmetry impact the flexibility of proteins?, Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A 372, 20120041, 2014. PDF
[8] Sljoka A. and Wilson D., Probing Protein Ensemble Rigidity and predictions of Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange, Physical Biology, 10 056013, 2013. PDF
[7] Shai O., Sljoka A. and Whiteley W., Directed Graphs, decompositions and Spatial Decompositions, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 3028–3047, 2013. PDF
[6] Sljoka A., Shai O. and Whiteley W., Checking Mobility and Decomposition of Linkages via Pebble Game Algorithm, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2011, August 29-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA., 2011. PDF
[5] Sljoka A. and Bezginov A., Predicting hinge motions and allostery using rigidity theory, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods: Addressing Modern Challenges of Science, Technology, and Society, The International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, Volume 1368, pp. 167- 170, Waterloo, Canada, 2011.
[4] Schulze B., Sljoka A. and Whiteley W., Protein flexibility of dimers: Do symmetric motions play role in allosteric interactions, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods: Addressing Modern Challenges of Science, Technology, and Society, The International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, Volume 1368, pp. 135-138 , Waterloo, Canada, 2011. PDF
[3] Sljoka A., Counting for Rigidity, Flexibility and Extensions via the Pebble Game Algorithm – Hinge Predictions and other Biological Applications (2nd prize), Third Canadian Student Conference on Biomedical Computing, 2008. Thesis:
[2] Sljoka A., Algorithms in rigidity theory with applications to protein flexibility and mechanical linkages, PhD dissertation, York University, Toronto, 2012. PDF
[1] Sljoka A., Counting for Rigidity, Flexibility and Extensions via the Pebble Game Algorithm, Master’s Thesis, York University, Toronto, 2006. This thesis won Best Thesis Prize.